Equipment List

what I use to make candles

When it comes to candle making, there are a few key tools that are essential for creating high-quality candles. Some of the most important tools to have on hand include a double boiler or melting pot for melting wax, a thermometer for monitoring the temperature of the wax, a pouring pitcher for pouring the wax into moulds or containers, and wick sustainers or holders to keep the wick in place while the candle sets. Additionally, a scale is important for measuring out ingredients and a thermometer is helpful for monitoring the temperature of the wax.

Many of you maybe interested in what equipment I use to make my candles, film my videos and edit candle labels with. So below is a list of everything I use. The list does contain affiliate links and are mostly purchased through Amazon.

Candle Making

Photography, Film, Editing

Buffalo Soup Kettle ( Wax Melter )

Canon EOS M50

6L Presto Pot, Tap, Wax Melter

Rode Video Mic


Joby Gorrilapod

Plastic Jugs

Canva (photo editing)

Kitchen Scale

Abobe Premiere

Metal Wax Melting Jugs

Adobe Photoshop

Metal Wick Centring Device

Light box


 Canon EF-M 22mm f/2 STM Lens