Do candles need to be cured? ( The Facts )

Do candles need to be cured? ( The Facts )

Sep 13 , 2022

If you look up the steps for candle making on the internet, almost all tutorials will suggest that you let the freshly poured candle cure for a few days or even a few weeks in order to improve the scent throw.

What is curing?

 do i need to cure my candles

In this short paragraph we will explain what candle curing is: it is the process of allowing freshly poured wax candles to cool and solidify properly. This process ensures that the fragrance oils are fully absorbed into the wax, the wax is evenly distributed and the candle has the best burn quality and longest burn time. The curing process also allows the wax to set and harden in a smooth and even manner, resulting in a more visually appealing candle. The curing process typically takes several days to a few weeks, depending on the size and type of candle. During this time, candles should be stored in a cool, dark, and well-ventilated place, and kept flat to prevent warping or cracking. By properly curing candles, it will result in a higher quality candle that burns and smells better.

What are the benefits of curing?

 why does curing candles improve scent throw

Curing will definitely help to improve the scent of your candle. If you light the candle immediately after solidification, it will distribute the essential oil or fragrance oil mixed with the wax over a shorter distance and in a less even way. The explanation for this phenomenon lies in chemistry: in reality, the melted wax and the added oils do not mix (i.e. the two different chemicals do not form a new third), so after pouring the essential oils requires some time to mix again evenly throughout the candle.

How long should I cure my candles?


This depends entirely on the material of the candle. Paraffin wax candles are the fastest to cure, needing only 2-3 days. If you have chosen beeswax as the raw material for your candle, you will need to wait about a week. Other natural waxes (including soy-based, coconut, olive wax) need about two weeks to set.

Some tips to remember when curing your candles:

  1. Store them in a cool and dark place: To prevent the wax from melting or discoloration, candles should be stored in a cool and dark place.
  2. Keep them flat: To prevent warping or cracking, store the candles flat while they are curing.
  3. Proper ventilation: Candles should be stored in a well-ventilated area to promote even curing.
  4. Monitor the curing time: Keep track of the curing time of your candles, so you know when they are ready to be used or sold.

how long do candles need to be cured for

Of course, these are only approximate time intervals, because setting is also affected by factors such as the humidity and temperature of the environment and the size of the candle being poured.

By following these best practices, your candles will cure properly and be ready to use or sell in optimal condition. By following these steps, you will be able to ensure that your candles are of the highest quality and will provide the best burning and fragrance experience.

Unfortunately, there is no bulletproof recipe for how long to cure a candle, so it's best to experiment with one of your first masterpieces in this regard to find the perfect hardening time.


8 Reasons Why You Should Cure Candles:

  1. Improved Scent Throw: Curing allows the fragrance oils to fully absorb into the wax, resulting in a stronger and longer-lasting scent throw.
  2. Better Burn Quality: Curing allows the wax to cool and harden properly, resulting in a better burn quality and less tunneling.
  3. Longer Burn Time: Curing ensures that the wax is evenly distributed, resulting in a longer burn time for the candle.
  4. Reduced Wet Spots: Curing allows the wax to cool and set evenly, reducing the occurrence of wet spots on the candle.
  5. Enhanced Appearance: Curing allows the wax to cool and set in a smooth and even manner, resulting in a more visually appealing candle.
  6. Increased Stability: Curing allows the wax to fully bond and solidify, resulting in a more stable candle that is less likely to warp or crack.
  7. Better Cold Throw: Curing allows the fragrance oils to fully absorb into the wax, resulting in a stronger cold throw or fragrance when the candle is not lit.
  8. Increased Customer Satisfaction: Curing results in a higher quality candle that burns and smells better, resulting in increased customer satisfaction.


8 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Cure Candles:

  1. Time-consuming: The curing process can take several days, which can be time-consuming for those who want to quickly create and sell their candles.
  2. Space-consuming: The curing process requires a large, flat surface for the candles to cool and set, which can take up a lot of space.
  3. Temperature and Humidity Dependent: The curing process is dependent on temperature and humidity, which can affect the outcome of the candle and may not be consistent in different regions.
  4. Not Essential: Curing is not essential for the candle to function, it just improves the overall quality and experience of the candle.


Please note that the above-mentioned points are general and not all of them may apply to every case. It depends on the individual's preference, the method used, and the quality of the ingredients.

After a little experimentation, everyone can find the right amount of time for their candles to cure. This process is always recommended when using a scented candle, as this will ensure a truly flawless fragrance experience.

The video below explains in detail about candle curing, is it even worth bothering to cure candles ?


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