For those, who are already familiar in the candle making activity, the importance of a wick sustainer tab is obvious. Wick tabs are made of steel and they will make your candle making a lot easier.
You can find them in various sizes, most popular is the 20mm which can be used for most candles. They are used for securing your wick as well as protecting the bottom from becoming too hot by controlling how far the wick will be able to burn down. Basically, it can snuff the flame when the candle is near the bottom in order to avoid accidents such as a shattered glass due to overheat. So you can see why they are crucial when making candles. But let’s see what else you can use as well for securing your candle wick.
Wick stickers
Wick stickers are highly heat resistant stickers that can secure your wick to the bottom of your candle jar or container. They are a cheap and easy-to-use option for candle making. You simply have to peel the sticker from the paper and apply it to the bottom of your jar. Then peel off the other side and press the tab on it.
Hot glue
Hot glue is another great option for securing candle wick. They can offer great heat resistance and secure solution. When you opt for using hot glue, make sure to choose high temperature ones in order to avoid fire hazard. You can even find special ones made for candle making. It’s important as average hot glue might not going to make the trick and you will end up with candle wicks shifting to the side of the jar.
Melting wax
This is something only beginners do as it is not a safe method. Melting wax in order to secure your wick works until about half the candle. But as it get to the bottom, as wax will melt with the candle, the wick might shift to the side of the jar making it dangerous to use.
Not using anything
This is the last – and worst option for you which we only show you to emphasise never to do that. You can find certain videos online about DIY candle making. A few ones teach you to simply wrap your wick around a pen, then put it on top of the candle container making your wick barely touch the bottom of the candle container. With this method, they simply pour the melted wax in the jar assuming the wick will stay in place. But as the candle will melt on the bottom of your jar, your wick will eventually shift making it less safe to use.
Overall, it is obvious that safely securing your candle wick is essential in order to make a safe-to-use quality product or gift for your family. Therefore, make sure to use good quality products and learn the basics of candle making before deciding to go for it. You can find several blog posts and videos on the whole process.