The Magic in Avoiding Procrastination
Nov 11 , 2023
The Magic in Avoiding Procrastination
In today's blog post, I'm going to share some of my top productivity hacks and how they've helped me grow my candle business. As an entrepreneur, I'm always looking for ways to utilize my time better and get more done in less time. After implementing these tips, I've seen my productivity and efficiency increase dramatically. Read on to learn my strategies for working on multiple projects at once, setting actionable goals, and shifting my mindset to view productivity as a vehicle rather than a chore. I'll provide real examples of how these techniques have allowed me to consistently publish blog content, create videos, and expand my product line. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or simply want to maximize your personal productivity, you'll discover some helpful insights. By the end, you'll have actionable tips to boost your output, stay focused, and make consistent progress on your biggest goals. Get ready to level up your daily workflow!
Use your time efficiently
Utilising time better… In most cases whenever I have a spare moment I try to get the best out of that minute rather than hours, I don’t want to look back in life with regret wondering about what ifs. So at any moment I ask myself what actionable steps I can take. It might be something small like 2 minutes of wick trimming or 5 minutes editing a photo, each small or large step takes me closer to my goal.
Work on several projects at a time
Working on 3 - 5 projects at a time, now this one is a bit of an unpopular opinion as most people say just work on one thing and nail it. What I like to do is have a few different projects running side by side with each other towards a similar goal. At the moment it’s candles but it's not just making and selling candles, it's a website with a blog, YouTube videos, digital products and much more. I have plans set out on what I want to achieve but it can be difficult forcing myself to do certain tasks on a certain day, some days I’m nowhere near energetic enough to film a video, often times on a day off my introverted nature needs time to recharge in between cheffing so filming a video just isn’t on the cards but I could write an article or create some candles. I have a weekly schedule but I pick the task best suited for that day in terms of the vibe… the most wishy washy statement I’ve ever made, I’m just here for the vibes man.
Goal setting
Setting goals, I have a big board of goals with actionable steps written out, it’s on a white board in my office, I walk past it every day, it’s always there reminding me of what I need to get done. I don’t have to get it done all at once so I set short term goals that I can tick off in a few months. Like I mentioned in my previous income report video, one of those goals was to get my blog to 500 page views daily and the past few days I’ve hit that, now I just need to get that consistency. Those short term goals keep you motivated, keep that dopamine hit coming whilst you work towards the big horizon goals. It also keeps you going in the right direction life has way of throwing curve balls and kinks in the road but with a clear goal and taking actionable steps you’re rowing in the right direction.
Productivity is your ally!
Instead of looking at productivity as a chore and a grind look at it as a vehicle to allow you to do the things you want, unfortunately in life we have to do things do you either want to work for the rest of your life and retire at 67 with a few good years left or front load life achieve as much as you can and free yourself from the rat race ? Each step I take is getting me closer to the ultimate goal of freedom, a simple life with a house and a garden where I can creatively work on projects, learn new crafts and produce a life of meaning. Being able to take trips away when I want, short breaks, set my own schedule, get into an early night early rising routine without having to answer to the throngs of hospitality. That is the ultimate goal just to be free. A beautiful quote I've heard recently from Chris Williamson the magic you’re looking for is in the work you’re avoiding and for me that helps me stick to the plan